
Fast up until 100 mph and handles just fine on the vast majority of public roads. Want to see a roll race now? Tesla hurts a lot of feelings...

I already posted the timeslip. 1/4 miles on the 100D is 10.7. You can't be fast only up to 60mph and still do 10.7. Just accept that the Tesla hurts feelings in most realistic acceleration scenarios.

If you go to 1.58 in this video you see what I mean with "the Tesla gets ripped into pieces". At any higher speed it is a mere joke to compare a Tesla with a proper sportscar. And we only see straight line tests in these videos. These heavy Tesla pigs on twisted roads is the opposite of fun.

These cars are made mainly for tech people with limited insight into cars available on the market. Sorry to say so. They watch a video like the above and think: at least the Tesla is new, trending in my local environment and is fast up to 60mph, and a higher speed I can not control anyhow - too risky. I rather play with the gadgets of this car...

Who cares what happens after 1.58? They're already going probably 120mph! I can count on my hand the number of times I've seen a car doing 120 mph on a public road outside of Germany.

Probably more like 100mph (i.e. about 5-6s after the start at apporox 50mph the Tesla performance brakes down).

Except for Germany you simply cannot drive above 90mph without risking your license. So like noone1 said, what happens after 100mph is irrelevant except for Germans and that's why Tesla sales obliterate the others in the luxury sedan segment in the USA. EV is the future.