Great discussion - to my point though - why not simply give them x number gallons/liters of fuel and let them figure it out.  Let them choose any engine and drivetrain configuration.  How can that not lead to more inovation?

As a fan I would much rather watch a car run out of gas prior to the finish or meters after.  When I am watching I want to see the real finishing order AND not the next day.  Can't the make rules that are 'self- regulating' - like running out of gas would seem obvious?  We all face that issue so we can relate to that.  I would hate to face 'fuel-flow' rules etc in my private car - too much like mandatory EPA numbers, and don't get me started on being more 'green'. 

I agree the teams play a huge part in wasting the drivers efforts (and risking their lives needlessly) when they break the rules but my point is that by the time the driver is behind the wheel and the race starts there should be no more reasons to be disqualified or for the results to be anything other than the finishing order the viewers see live. - Except of course for errors the drivers make or penalties due to their personal actions on the track.