
Did you buy a place Watt, or are you still exploring the area? If you are down there for a few months will you bring the dogs or do think the trip would be too much on them? Maybe you could start a rent-a-lab business? indecision

I don't think we need to rent them, they just come to us.

Benson brought a young lab friend yesterday, but he comes by every day  and hangs.

we are renting on waihi beach for the month from an officer of the porsche club..  We will keep trying other places but this is pretty nice, with dogs wandering freely on the beach , no dog signs are studiously ignored on the trails, a small beach town like malibu 80 years ago.SmileyPretty close to perfect.

once Sky is alone after Sun passes, we will take longer visits and bring him back and forth theres a ten day quarantine and moving a dog is $3k each way...after all his father Boaz was from NZ!

sun n sky are hiking away with blanca in malibu and send their bestSmiley