Louis totally agree... my gf whenever she's out with me is like "why don't you park there?"... well cos it's close to a 20 year old corolla... she feels that I discriminate but I do. People who buy Porsche have high expectations and they know how to enjoy finer things in life and a car is not a mere vehicle getting from point A to point B as I explained to her. If it were like that, I could have taken the metro and it'd be a lot faster and easier. So it's a catch 22 situation as she has aptly described. You buy a nice car to enjoy yet you worry the heck everyday over small scratched and whether the car next to you would scratch your door or the valet guy would scratch the rims... alas, that's life. Well, maybe it is just the fact that I am a poor Porsche owner cos the car relative to my wealth is a big portion and that's why I cherish it. When I could own any car or a few handful of Porsches one day, I tell her maybe I won't care but it is very unlikely as I will always cherish my property carefully. My silly girlfriend was cute enough to offer to buy some model silver paint to touch it up for me but I said thanks but no thanks as nothing looked worst than unmatched paint!