
What I don't get is why you even care so much what other people think?  Smiley

I wish I could ignore it and there is always a short period of time when I am relaxed, not spending any thoughts on what people said before and then...wham...it hits me hard when someone makes a comment or when my wife or kids tell me what they've been told and I have to admit that when my wife or especially the kids are involved, I get pretty mad.

I try not to think about what other people think but it is difficult when you cannot really avoid it.

Wanna know the latest story? Today a customer of mine comes with a pickup ticket from a different business (he accidentally took out the wrong pickup ticket from his pocket). When I asked him why he is going to a different business (which is close to me and not cheaper or whatever), you know what he told me? "You already made enough money from me, look at the Porsche in your parking lot. Others need to make money too, so I spread my business." First, I thought he is joking. One of my employees who overheard this looked at me as if she's seen a ghost. I couldn't say anything, I was speechless and after that guy left, I spent half an hour in my office with the door closed. Yes, it affects me. How can I ignore this?

Of course this doesn't happen often but at least once a month, I have a similar incident. Many years ago, things like that were impossible, people were very nice and thankful. Now they are bitching about prices and "the rich" all the time.

I knew I guy who used to say "The only people allowed to offend me are those I choose myself". 
I had to think about for a minute to realise how it was really meant, and when I did I adopted the same rule myself. 

There are far too many people out there prepared to express ill-informed or stupid opinions ever to take them all seriously. 

