0-100 Km/h is indeed a very important number.
Buyers like me, "wannabe drivers", are definitely looking at it because it's the one thing the car does entirely on its own and you don't need to be good at driving, but it still makes you feel good when you see the "other" left behind ;)
However, as much as I like having the car fill in for my lack of skills, I have never considered buying a Nissan longer than a couple of minutes.
I really, really like cars and spent a lot of time reading and looking and thinking (not so much driving :))).
Now that I can afford buying them too ;) I would never consider Nissan. Whatever the numbers. Maybe Lexus, but it's a big maybe.
I looked at Lamborghini, Ferrari, Audi and Aston Martin. Maserati is too low end and McLaren ... I don't know, just don't feel it.
Today I got the 4S as courtesy car and we (my dealer and I) are waiting to hearing news from Germany.
The 4S is really an entirely different car form the Turbo S. I have to say that, while it still looks great, I like driving the Cayenne Turbo much better. The combination of comfort and power overtakes the little discomforts and lack of punch of the 4S.
If I have to give up on comfort, space, range it must be for a real "kick"! :))