A friend just paid a one-month salary (about 30K swiss francs in her case) for getting caught in her car with 62km/h in a 30km/h zone in Zurich. Not a very car-friendly place:::)))

If she was officially doing 62 km/h , she must of been at around 75 km/h on the speedo . Sorry, but if she drives like that in a 30 zone ( children , pedestrians, schools etc… ) she is asking for troubles .

I live here , have always had sports car, know many people with sports car, and if you know where and how to drive, you do not get into these kind of troubles .

She drives there every day and it is a 50km/h zone. But one day they opened up a construction site and reduced the speed limit. There are no schools, not even pedestrians. It is just money making for the state, swiss style. In every other country that I know it would have been 100-300euros fine.