Guys, please drive carefully ..

You can't repeat these words often enough. Smiley

Yesterday, I watched an hour of russian crash videos with my son and at the end, he told me that he is never going to drive too fast (I know that he is still a kid and that he will do stupid things in life, especially with a car but I think he was quite impressed with the possible impact of car accidents).

I also have to say that I am sometimes stunned how fast people can go despite bad weather/visibility conditions. 

Not really sure who it was (maybe my old man) but somebody once told me that the difference between a good driver and a bad driver is that the good driver not only cares about how he is driving but he also pays attention to the traffic/drivers around him to avoid an accident. I couldn't agree more. If I wouldn't pay attention to the traffic and how other drivers drive, I would have crashed my car at least a couple of dozens of times during the past 24 years or so.

Somehow it appears the drivers of fast ("safe") limousines risk more than those who drive sportscars... I recently met a BMW (I am not sure but I guess it was a 550) on the Autobahn. Weather conditions were not the best, to say the least...  Somehow, he tried to keep in front of me. In one of the faster bends (the pavement was still quite dry before it started to snow/rain quite heavily) he drove with a speed of approx 220kph and it was really interesting to see how the electronics of the BMW prevented him from crashing badly. You could virtually see the non-linear interaction of PSM as the rear moved to the outside of the bend a tiny bit, got stabilized again and then the procedure repeated itself again an again. After the bend he had to brake hard and again you could tell that the car was at its 100% limits (it is interesting to watch the brake lights in these situations as the change their flashing pattern...). The worst part was that (in the bend) he realized that he might switch the lane to let me pass finally (he did not want to leave the left lane on the kms before). When I was driving virtually next to him he moved back to the left lane. Very dangerous driving. Apparently he noticed what risky situation he created as he drove very cautious afterwards. I have to say that in retrospect this was one of the situations in which I should drive calmer. Just thinking of what happens if he crashed and I had to ask myself if he would have crashed as well if I had not pushed him. One gets wiser every day Smiley