I do not agree with you! If I look around my customers and suppliers I see a lot of good cars: Mercedes, BMW, Audi, .... - all models - maybe not Ferraris or Astons

If I look in my street I see a lot of Porsche cars.

If I look at the parking place of our golf course, I see a lot of very expensive cars. 

If I look at the sold Mercedes S-class, BMW 7-class, ... in Germany .....

All this cars are driven and not hidden. I don´t have a unique business and I didn't have until today any problems with my cars. The only car with some problems with my surrounding was the Cayenne turbo. Not because this car is expensive but because this car was consuming too much gasoline.

I doubt I will have any problems with a possible Panamera turbo. 

Maybe also I am lucky with my wife and childrens who all like to have two individual seats at the rear - Yes I am a lucky man!


Aldo, I do see this cars also being driven. But I think it depends very much the business you are in. Close to our office are the offices of some lawyers and they all come with theyr Porsche and BMW and some Ferrari. But for our company it is not good to show those cars! Not that we all have them... and also between our staff we are not very open talking to the car from home or the super sports bike that some of my coleagues have them. When you deal like we deal with clients and on a market where you are not the only one and the profit margins are soo small... you have to be more careful. The others are in a better position than we are...
