
2. Pushing on the gear stick to go up a gear, pulling to go down is definitely counter intuitive.

I absolutely "knew" this the moment I heard it.

Most of us have grown up with manual gearboxes and can't ever hope to estimate the huge number of times we came up to a stop sign and pushed the gearshift forward toward our feet to downshift.

Funny too because when you are standing on your feet pushing your hand down toward your feet is where the earth is and therefore defined as "down."

Pulling your hand toward your chest is "up." Of course going from third to second is a an "up" downshift but that's not an issue with a PDK shift lever that has only a forward or backward (up or down) slide.

Does ANYBODY know why Porsche reversed it? Can't be because of some "racing" preference can it? Is it because, in racing down-shifting is no longer defined as going into first, like it is for every guy who first learns to drive? Are we talking the much more frequent third-to-second pull-up-to-go-down downshift on a manual gearbox? If so that's unnecessarily effete. Porsche and the majority of the people who buy them really aren't interested in racing anymore are they?

Racing with a PDK should not resemble racing with a manual shifter in the third-to-second upward downshift, should it? It's crazy. Whose got the mental energy to live (race) like that?


2007 997 Turbo