nberry said:
I disagree with your comments. Porsche put into the stream of commerce a car that has more power than any other production car they produced and failed to provide it with automatic stability controls. Porsche is well aware that the buyers of this car can include people with no experience to handle a car of this power and that the car would be driven by inexperienced drivers.

Consider that the propective buyers were brainwashed with factory professional drivers showing them what the car was capable of. At no time were they allowed to drive the car during the demonstration. It is certainly foresseable and not unreasonable for Porsche to conclude buyers would try to immulate the factory drivers and allow others to drive this car. Or wait you would ride in the Enzo since it has automatic stability controls right?

Finally, do you realize that but for W. Rohrl's insistence, there would not be any traction control on this monster?

This car is not a car I would want to ride in.

So about 7-8 Carrera GTs have been completely totalled and another 4-5 have been badly damaged out of 1,000 + total Carrera GTs and this makes you not want to ride in the Carrera GT right?

Out of the 400 total Enzos made how many have been crashed/totalled (7-8)? I would be willing to bet the Crash rate ratio is higher in the Enzo compared to the Carrera GT...

7 wrecked out of 400 compared to 8 wrecked out of 1000+

By this logic you wouldn't want to ride in the Enzo too right? Or wait maybe you would because it has automatic stability controls