The price point of the 720S should be right around F12, Aventador area. 

Compared to both, it's missing a V12. 

It will have a bigger trunk than the Lambo, but far short of the F12 in trunk space.

It should handle better than both and quicker too, but how fast can one go on the street?

F12 replacement is on the horizon, Ferrari already sent out invites to preview on Feb 13th.

Available of the car will be much better than Ferrari, basically there will be no wait like the Aventador, if someone wants one they can basically drive to the dealer and drive one out. 

It will have the same outrageous looks like a Aventador, those doors will be the selling feature.

But the elephant in the room will be once again will McLaren screw the owners. Their track record indicate that they have absolutely no problem screwing buyers on the resale value. McLaren's plan of releasing 15 'new' models between now and 2020 means they are pushing new facelifts very rapidly. It hasn't been announced yet, but one knows the spyder version will be coming once the orders start flowing in for the 720S coupe. A 'face lift' in 6 months' time? 

The 675 at least was a limited model, well until they sold out the 500 then push out another 500 spyder versions. The 720S will not be a limited production model, they will make as much as they can like they did with the 12C/650S.

