carreraman said:
Thanks mish. I actually did drive them both. The C4 felt tight and purposeful. The C2 was looser but wasn't swerving all over the place. I can't imagine that I'm going to throw the car all over the place taking curves at top speeds. How did you come to prefer the "handling" of the C4 if you don't mind me asking?

Carreraman, I found that the c4s just felt tighter on the road and especially on the curves - almost like a magic glue was stuck to the tires!

The steering was definitely stiffer on the C4 - but peronally, I prefer that. At the end of the day, go for which one feels more pleasing for you. I think that's how you should make your final decision! Let us know how it goes and good luck!

p.s are you looking at the Cabs? They are so much fun in a place like Miami!