MKW said:
Cover the headlights and grill, and it sure looks like a Grand Cherokee or some kinda generic mid-market Japanese SUV design from about 5 years ago. It's for the R-class ( same underpinnings ) passenger hauling needs w/o that vehicle's minivan vibe .Also, stay far away from anything built in Alabama with it's obligatory politically correct high content US sourced flimsy componentry . Ask me how I know .
I'll take the 7 seater Audi Q7 with the optional S-Line trim as shown below , thank you very much .

I still prefer the more traditional understated Audi grill, in my case, here is my 2005 S4 I picked up last winter, with chrome grill with just a "hint" of the more dramatic trapezoid to come. Sorry for the slightly out-of-focus pic, I ran outside from my office in the cold Arctic air to take the pic before sundown, and I was shaking holding the camera.