Yesterday I stopped by my dealer to look at the new Cayman S and happened to talk to one of the cool sales guys that I know well.

I noticed that they still have the C4 and C4S launch cars in the show room with big red bows on them, asked him how they're doing? he said as you can tell we still have the launch cars here and can't move them.

He went on as to explaining that there is no styling deferentiation between the C2 and C4 models(997); people used to buy the old model (996 C4S) because it looked different from the standard C2 however with the 997 C4 you can't hardly tell the difference except if you really have keen eyes to see the 1" wider rear view Vs. the C2.

He continued: In southern states people hardley care about the 4 wheel drive, so they all are after styling differences within the 911 models and when people see there is not really any major visual styling differences between the 2 models they buy the cheaper one C2 or C2S and save themselves some money.

Now my question is if anyone feels the same regarding Mr. X point?