
This isn't wrong, just very risky. I mean I do not ride a motorcycle anymore because I'm scared of car drivers hitting me accidentally because many drivers just drive like sh.t and do not pay sufficient attention but with a bicycle, it is even more dangerous (those bike helmets are a joke, mine fell a meter on concrete and basically broke in half, it was tested to be very safe).

Speaking of which. Do you guys replace your snowboard/ski helmets after every single fall to your head? Supposedly you're supposed to, but I can't make sense of $200 each time my head hits the ground. It's not a super common thing, but it can happen plenty of times, usually not that hard even. I had a good fall the other day, but only enough to give me a headache for about 10 seconds and a slightly sore neck the next day. $200 every time that happens? I literally just bought the helmet the day before. Seems a bit much... Beginners would buy spending 1000s of dollars on helmets!


It's only your brain that it protects. So you can be your own judge how much it's worth and how much you want to pay to protect your own head. So if you think saving $200 is more important than protecting your own head then so be it.

I buy top of the line racing gear, 3 layer fire suit and helmets and such, and I protect my helmets like they are my first born. One time someone accidentally knock my helmet off a table, I sent that one back to Stand21 for inspection and went to my backup helmet. And from that point onwards, I always leave my helmet on the ground. 

