U Boat Commander said:
IMO, It's pretty rare to see a vanity plate that I think is cool. Michael Jordan had "JUMP 23" on his Vette way back when and that was cool. The guy who had "50 MADE" on his Ferrari was cool. But I'm having a hard time thinking of any others. . . I think you're better off going without one. Although, admittedly, my thoughts on this subject matter could be influenced by local cultural view in Los Angeles, which are generally fairly negative towards vanity plates.

I have a cherished plate on retention , I just dont see the point anymore using it , its just got my initials on it .

Remember that comedy movie " Up In Smoke " with Cheech and Chong (dont know there real names) , he had a cherish plate on his Caddy or whatever it was , it read MUF DVR but funny thing was that not many people watching the movie spotted it..
