That's strange, I thought "I will survive" was the gay community anthem???

Well, congratulations to Renault and Feminando.
They certainly proved that being slow, playing it safe and relying on their superior competitor's bad luck is the right way to get the championship.

And wasn't it cute to see the girlieman crybaby at the press conference with his "nobody ever helped me in my carreer booohooo"-story?
What a frigging whimp!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!! It certainly is the youngest girl to get the championship.

But it's nice to see a minority win.
It's so rare that a gay female dwarf from Spain gets the F1 championship.
So congratulations.

I guess both she and the team will have to rely on McLaren's bad luck next season too.
Indeed a convincing "win": The "champion" has fewer wins than number 2 and her team will only be second in the constructor's championship. WOW!

Enjoy it while it lasts.
Talent always beats luck in the end, so take a good look at Feminando.
Next season she will be back right where she belongs: Oblivion.
Then I guess that lameass crewmember at Renault will have to change his "Schumacher who?" t-shirt into "Feminando boohoo?".
Maybe he should wait around...oh seven championships before wearing a shirt like that. But I guess it's the only chance he will ever get to flash that shirt as long as he is working for Feminando.

A good day for girliemen all over the World.
A sad day for sportsmanship, Formula One and people with talent.