I was doing 180 km/h (approx. 112 mph) when I saw some debris on the road.
Pitch black, just after midnight.
I started to slow down to about 80 km/h (approx. 50 mph) when I suddenly saw the object lying in the middle of the road. I tried to avoid the collision but still the right front of the car touched the damn thing. The object went airborne hitting the windshield (I need to replace that too because it is scratched - the tire has some metal wiring going through it). After the crash I stopped about 22 km (approx. 14 miles) down the road at a gas station and I saw the disaster. I couldn't stop earlier because I was trying to find an area with some light. I came back later and I found that it was a blown up tire from a big truck. Left in the middle of the road. Damn !