I live in "Fort Liquordale"; and it is a blast to be here; but I don't if you guys know; this is pretty much the Exotic car
capital of the south. There are killer European cars; everywhere ! In Florida, you can drive and enjoy these cars all
year 'round. I was driving home the other night in my 993 Cab,
top down, and I went by Shelton Ferrari; and in front they were doing a photo shoot. What a sight! I had to stop, and see what was going on. THREE Enzos (2 Red, 1 Fly) 1 F50 (Red) 1 F40 (Red) and 1 Mclaren F1 (Silver) ! That's quite a group of supercars ! The Enzos are beautiful; but look like toys
because they are so bizarre looking; they don't look real. I could not help but wonder how the Carrera GT would look parked along side them. We will see when they arrive !