JimFlat6 said:
Nick Nick Nick .......

Oh yes....tar Porsche with the platform engineering brush as if they are just comon rubbish. You can paint Aston Martin with that also if you wish. Big deal.

I think you are a tad over obsessed with "exclusivity." If you are sooooo concerned with exclusivity, you could always get divorced and then marry Dennis Rodman and drive around town in a custom stretched yellow Mini Cooper convertible.

Would that be exclusive enough for you???

Comrade Jim quit thinking like a proletariat. Those that do envitably become one.

Exclusivity is what distinguishes the important and rare from the common. Porsche suffer horrendous depreciation because they are VERY common. Porsche as a company made a conscious decision to make it so. What they did not do was adjust prices accordingly. Thus their owners pay a steep price for their Porsche ownership. However Porsche as a company makes a lot of money.