Carlos from Spain:
CGX car nut:
Carlos from Spain:
CGX car nut:​​​

Why watch the race when we have Whoopsy providing a detailed analysis of why it is the car, not the driver, that matters?  He'll run a computer simulation in his head and will report his findings before week's end.


You don't need a computer to tell you which car will win this weekend or any other weekend for that matter, and if you switch the driver, the same car will still win. That kind of says it all.

Counterpoint: Sergio Perez.  


Even Sergio Pérez can easily win, just develop the car to his style and not Max's, we have seen Sergio win or get second in previous seasons with RB before without too much effort. Pretty much the top half of the grid can do it behind a RB.


Isn't it weird that all those Hamilton hating Max fans always say it's the car and not Hamilton when he was winning, but now that the shoe is on the other foot, the exact same argument cannot be used against their god Max? 

One just can't talk any sense into those people. Deranged. 

There you go again with your straw men. You generate enough straw to line the Lagos circuit with bales and bales. Show me where I have every said it was only the car responsible for the wins.  However, I can go back several posts above where you made that exact statement.