Holminator said:
With regard to the comment about the US is now responsible for the actions terrorist do, I don't understand this comment. Sounds like the same meaningless rhetoric some of our radio talk show hosts use.

I think he meant that since the US invaded Iraq, they are responsible for it (the Iraq, not the terrorist attacks).

Regarding the Iraq invasion itself: I don't fully agree. Sooner or later, it would have happened anyway because Saddam Hussein played his games further. And believe it or not but I actually think that the US intelligence services were not well enough informed, even if some other people think that they lured the administration and congress by purpose to get a green light for the invasion. My embassy had to deal with certain US intelligence from time to time on an "information exchange" basis, this is nothing secret and nothing unusual. But sometimes I was surprised to hear from a friend how little they actually knew about certain local situations. At first my friend thought that this is part of the strategy not to share all infos they got with other friendly nations but later on it proved to be different: they just were somehow naive or even completely wrong in their analysis. This happens if you get fresh salad on a daily basis from Germany, including oven Pizzas and the newest movies. While my friend was sometimes joining locals in the line to get a fresh warm bread. And talking to them was pretty interesting.

But anyway: if the US exits Iraq without finishing the job, civil war and chaos will be inevitable. After that it would be only a matter of time until new attacks happen directly in the US.
Right now there is need for MORE involvement in Iraq, not to back off. You can't let the iraqi people down after you invaded their country by promising them to bring peace and prosperity. This would make the US look even more "evil" in the eyes of the locals there.