The Arab oil producing countries are now making truly
giant amounts of money from the current prices.

What they are going to do with it all ????

Will any of it go to funding university and secondary classes to teach their students about western political
philosphy and how democracies work? No.

Will any of it go to expanding the concept of rights for Palestinians to include rights for their own people? No.

Will it be spent to buy propaganda text books that teach hate to children? Yes.

Will it be spent on media that encourages hate of the
west? Yes.

Will they continue to publicly insult and condemn us as
they ask us to buy from them? Yes.

Do they not indulge in all manner of extra luxurious lifestyle and police state behaviour from our money? Yes.

Would they rush forth with kind words and apologies,if the west suddenly said enough is enough, and fuel use was restricted to essential services and commercial transport only? Yes.

They act like shopkeepers who spit at their best customers.

Lets park our cars and start walking as a protest.

I think its worth it to make a change.