yarub1 said:
JimFlat6 said:
Well Tony, the Iraqi government decided to be invaded itself! If they had complied with the contract of their surrender in Gulf War 1, they would still be in power maybe. But they did not. So thats why that jolly fellow Hussein sits in jail today.

I think they stoped looking for WMD in Iraq. So basicaly Saddam was telling the truth when he said that he did not have any. Guess who's the liyer now.

Yes, Liars abounded in Iraq. Not only did they hamper and harass WMD UN teams to make it appear that they MAY have them to their neighbors, they also attemped assasination of a US President, shot at coalition aircraft patrolling airspace as agreed to in their surrender, failed to return thousands of Kuwaiti POWs, goods and monies, cheated on their commercial terms and obligations etc.. I am amazed that you would defend such a vile monster as Huseein just to hate Bush so much!