Texas911 said:
Yarub, the US gets most of its imported oil from South America, and we have reserves that are just to expensive to drill at even $60/barrel. Its cheaper to get them from third world countries where production costs are a lot lower. So this whole thing about the US only wanting oil is ridiculous. If you instead stated that the US is concerned that oil keeps flowing for other countries like Japan, China, Europe, then that would be correct, because if those countries economies go down, they'll take the US with them. So indirectly its about oil, but not for our use. The US is the lone remaining super power and has taken on the responsiblilty of policing the whole world.

The rest of the world better thank God that Russia didn't win the cold war.

I know this is OT but I must rectify you here as you are incorrect, most of the hydrocarbon imported into the US comes from Qatar now as LNG, produced by Qatargas, a consortium operated by ExxonMobil.
As for South America, Mexican fields are only operated by Pemex and Hugo Chavez limits oil exports from Venezuela to the US.
The US is more than ever dependant on the Middle east oil, nothing new though.
Yes North Texans low perm fields and Canadian sand tar fields do hold billions of OOIP, but you are correct, current technologies is not good enough to exploit them at profit (fracking, steam injection, etc.)