John SF 2005 997 S said:
These people are WEAK and pathetic. We should PULL OUT of Iraq and let the region go into civil war. Let the people in the area sort it out. We meaning the civilized world are wasting our time there.... The area has been full of people killing each other for THOUSANDS of years.... we'll NEVER stop it.

I understand your anger but I don't agree.
The US has to finish what it started, otherwise a whole region will submerge into full chaos, not even close to the things which are happening there now.
And guess what happens next or do you really think that fanatics will stay in that region and do nothing?!

Experts were expecting terror attacks in Europe, especially in London. It was just a matter of time.
And I don't think it will be the last terror attack we've seen in Europe, think about Spain for example.

The biggest mistake we Europeans (I mean the population, the governments are fully aware of the situation, even if they don't tell people because for example the german chancellor and the french president profited a lot from their anti-Bush/anti-US position regarding their political career) make is to think that all those terror attacks started because of the Iraq war. People also forget that even Bill Clinton's government was after Bin Laden and that the 9/11 terror attack planning of Al Qaeda actually started before Bush was president.

But anyway: the US owes it to the many soldiers from all over the world (not only US soldiers died in Iraq but also IRAQI soldiers/security forces who fought side by side with US troops to help their country get back on the feet, IRAQI civilians who work for the coalition forces to make a change, Italians, British, Spanish, soldiers from the Netherlands, Denmark and many other countries died in Iraq, including security people from various arab countries and arab business men. Retrieving the US troops from Iraq NOW would be the biggest mistake in American history.
And not to forget the german soldiers who died helping the US troops in Afghanistan, not to speak about a pretty high number of german special forces who are fighting back to back with US troops in the region. Something the german public doesn't read in the newspapers because the media is usually completely anti-Bush and anti-Iraq war.

Anway: I hope all our Rennteam members from London are OK, maybe some of you guys could give us a little status report if you think you want to talk about it.

The most cowardly act is to blow up a subway or a bus, the same as raping a child. In my opinion, there is no way how to negotiate with such people, they just want to destroy or to move up to paradise (speaking in a religious kind of manner). The only way to fight them is to stay firm, to be patient, to have large tear ducts and to make the public understand that these people are not freedom fighters or rebels but terrorists. And even worse: they're using religion and god for their vicious actions, throwing a very bad light upon those peaceful religious people, no matter if they're christians, muslims or whatever.

My prayers go to the families of the victims, I hope that those bastards who did that are dead too. And no, they won't be in paradise, they will be in hell.