550 Spyder said:
Just my opinion but another fatal error for the Vette is the fact that it is under the Chevy label... As some of you have mentioned, only old time Vette enthusiasts really appreciate this and the fact that Chevy's are catered for the regular joe salaryman doesn't help the Vette's brand value. Re-branding the Vette may help its market position a little but I don't foresee the Vette challenging Porsche anytime soon.

Profiles for New Corvette buyers are virtually the same as for Boxster S buyers. It cant be categorized as a product targeted at the sub proletariat.

Used buyers are another thing, as are used Porsche buyers.
Ive seen both Corvette and Porsche owners who are the stars of their own white trash reality show.

Lutz is changing Chevrolet products. Corvette will have three versions for 2006 and in 2007 the new interiors appear.

Obviously nobody dislikes the precision, feel and soul of a Porsche.Times are changing and the Corvettes being improved is to everyones benefit.