JimFlat6 said:
Ring Knutstorp looks like a nice track.

The stripes on the Ford GT are a racing 50's-60's thing,
most cars in international competition had them. If you grew up with just seeing sponsors names plastered all over the cars, Im sure they look outta place.

Now, when do we get a Swedish F1 GP again?????? Im putting you in charge of getting that accomplished.

Oh, I know about the origin of the stripes...but it looks kinda odd on a streetcar IMO.
Swedish F1 grand prix? No problemo. Just need a billion bucks, a Goodyear contract (to soup things up a bit...) and some heavy duty lobbying. That oughtta do it. Well...and perhaps some meatballs too.
I'll probably throw in an intreague of diplomatic proportions for good measure...