
It's ironic that speed monitoring is more prevalent and effective yet car enthusiast demand more power and speed from car manufacturers. How stupid can we be?cheeky



When drivers continually place more importance on comfort, ease of driving, etc. then it is difficult to provide thrills in any other way.  

For those that actually enjoy driving, could be a good time to look into something light and small as a weekend toy.


I actually disagreed. My new CTTS got me a lot of thrills, especially during my round trip up to Whistler this morning. It was unbelievably amazing that this brute can be so agile, so rewarding to drive at highly illegal speed. This 'thing' simply defies physics. I shouldn't be able to take corners at those speed yet it made it with ease and no drama.

it was a very different feel for sure when compared with my recent Alps trip driving a 991 Turbo S, we drove really really fast and recklessly, yet completely within the limit of the car. But at the end of each day, no matter how comfortable the adaptive seats are, all of us are dying to stretch out our limps. 

The difference being in the CTTS I am more comfortable, and the car has much more room for anything and at the end of a drive, I am not fatigued in anyway.

