Well, we used to keep it open to the public, and the cars occupied about twice the floorspace that you see dedicated there. But when time came to expand the business (priorities priorities, you've gotta pay the bills....) into a new product line, we had to squeeze and condense the car collection into a far tighter space, to make room for shelving. The cars are so tight, you don't dare let the public through, because they get in-between stuff and damage it, and I'm not about to pay a full-time employee to sit out there to police the area. We've got a 200,000 sq ft expansion on the planning table as I speak, and once that is done, we'll spread the cars back out and open the doors back up. No fee. We don't advertise it, it's really there for our customer's enjoyment, and we use the low-mile unrestored cars a ton for research and benchmarking reproduction parts that we sell.